Shut Up and SQUAT!

The infamous squat is an amazing exercise.

If you are not squatting then I can bet my cup of coffee that you aren't getting the results you are training so hard for.

Squats is a MUST include in everyone's training program.

No squat means weak legs and weak core.

Squat Variations

1. Barbell Back Squats
2. Barbell front Squats
3. Kettlebell Goblet Squats
4. Kettlebell Front Squats
5. Barbell Overhead Squats

Now personally, of the 5 my favorite squat variation is the barbell over head squat, aka OHS. This exercise will kick your ASS, guaranteed. It is a great strength workout for shoulders and the hips as well as shoulder and latissimus stability... Incredible! The problem is it's a little advanced, but if you can do it then "OHS-it-up!." you won't regret it.

But for most the barbell back squat is what I see people struggle with. For starters some don't include them which I feel is a HUGE mistake and others are executing them incorrectly. You see back squats trains more than just your legs. Holding the bar behind the upper traps requires a bit of strength and core stabilization (depending on the load of course).


Now from a standing position you will descend as if you are sitting/reaching for a chair behind you. While squatting/descending make to have your shoulders pulled back and are looking straight ahead. The torso should be angled BUT in a straight line.

Squat down until you reach 90 degrees and ascend back up to full extension while squeezing your hips and quads.

The most common mistake in a back squat is dropping straight down versus angling your hips slightly behind you, again reaching for that chair. This will not only make your knees past your toes (a total NO-NO), but your heels may start to raise off the ground. This is not a squat, it is a KNEE WRECKER! I see this ALL the time. Make the adjustment.

How to start

1. Load the bar with medium load/weight. This will activate the core and hip/quad muscles more so than using just the barbell forcing you better technique. 

2. Squat 90 degress or a little deeper. Your thigh and calf must resemble an "L" shape at the bottom of the squat.

3. If you have trouble finding your 90 degrees then use an apparatus such as plyometirc stool, box, etc... and find one that allows you to the desired depth 

Absolutraining's final thought (do you remember Jerry Springer???)

Squatting does not make your legs get huge. It CAN if you are consuming tons of food and are squatting  heavy weight. Do not be intimidated LADIES... and men. The squat is a fantastic exercise and will only put your training and results to the next level.

Train Hard... Eat Pure... Live Well


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