Why you gain weight!--- Absolutraining Long Beach
Truth be told, there are many different ways one can gain weight: an abundance of calories, starvation, hormonal imbalance, stress...just to name a few.
These all play a huge role in weight gain. It is far more complex then eating a box of twinkies, but lets take a quick look at what I call "the beginning stages of weight gain."
This will be a quick and brief overview.
Let's start with the digestive system where the breakdown and absorption of Protein, Fats, and Carbs takes place. These 3 macronutrients all go through the same tunnels but are broken down at different stages in the body...
For the sake of this article let's just focus on carbs. As you will soon learn carbs are just sugars/glucose: grains, potato, tortillas, table sugar, ice cream, soda, boxed goods, pasta's, etc.
Carbs are "slightly digested in the mouth," remember slightly. The main role for the mouth is to alert the body that sugar is coming. One small bite of cake, sandwich, or bagel quickly signals the body (pancreas) that sugar is headed their way. This is significant because your pancreas starts to pump out small shots of insulin to get ready for what the body thinks is a river of sugar. From the mouth carbs/sugar enters the stomach where they are virtually untouched. Carbs are just hanging out waiting until it sets foot into the small intestine. The small intestine is where carbs are actually broken down into it's simplest form, glucose (sugar). From their when "ready,"sugar is passed through the intestinal wall (microvilli) into the liver.
Almost done people :) This is important so that you understand the "How Did I Gain Weight."
Once in the liver the sugar has 3 options to go to.
1. Sugar is delivered to cells needed for immediate energy (if needed)
2. Sugar is used/stored in the liver as glycogen (this is normal and healthy folks)
3. Sugar is delivered to muscles for storage (muscle glycogen, again normal and needed for high intensity exercise)
Focusing on the last 2, think of liver and your muscle as storage compartments. They are there to hold STUFF! However once the compartments are full, SUGAR/GLUCOSE has to go somewhere.
Any guesses on where it goes???
Thats right. It goes to fat! When the compartments are full Fat cells open the doors to sugar and say, "hey guys, come right in and let's have a party!"
This is how YOU GAIN WEIGHT! There are other important factors such as stress, lack of sleep, INS resistance, high cortisol, and leptin resistance to name a few that play a huge role too!!! But we will save that for another time.
But now you know :)
If you need to get your ass in shape and want to lose that belly fat then do yourself a favor and join the Absolutraning Boot Camp (Long Beach) or Absolutraining Kettlebells (Long Beach). Contact Absolutraining@gmail.com
These all play a huge role in weight gain. It is far more complex then eating a box of twinkies, but lets take a quick look at what I call "the beginning stages of weight gain."
This will be a quick and brief overview.
Let's start with the digestive system where the breakdown and absorption of Protein, Fats, and Carbs takes place. These 3 macronutrients all go through the same tunnels but are broken down at different stages in the body...
For the sake of this article let's just focus on carbs. As you will soon learn carbs are just sugars/glucose: grains, potato, tortillas, table sugar, ice cream, soda, boxed goods, pasta's, etc.
Carbs are "slightly digested in the mouth," remember slightly. The main role for the mouth is to alert the body that sugar is coming. One small bite of cake, sandwich, or bagel quickly signals the body (pancreas) that sugar is headed their way. This is significant because your pancreas starts to pump out small shots of insulin to get ready for what the body thinks is a river of sugar. From the mouth carbs/sugar enters the stomach where they are virtually untouched. Carbs are just hanging out waiting until it sets foot into the small intestine. The small intestine is where carbs are actually broken down into it's simplest form, glucose (sugar). From their when "ready,"sugar is passed through the intestinal wall (microvilli) into the liver.
Almost done people :) This is important so that you understand the "How Did I Gain Weight."
Once in the liver the sugar has 3 options to go to.
1. Sugar is delivered to cells needed for immediate energy (if needed)
2. Sugar is used/stored in the liver as glycogen (this is normal and healthy folks)
3. Sugar is delivered to muscles for storage (muscle glycogen, again normal and needed for high intensity exercise)
Focusing on the last 2, think of liver and your muscle as storage compartments. They are there to hold STUFF! However once the compartments are full, SUGAR/GLUCOSE has to go somewhere.
Any guesses on where it goes???
Thats right. It goes to fat! When the compartments are full Fat cells open the doors to sugar and say, "hey guys, come right in and let's have a party!"
This is how YOU GAIN WEIGHT! There are other important factors such as stress, lack of sleep, INS resistance, high cortisol, and leptin resistance to name a few that play a huge role too!!! But we will save that for another time.
But now you know :)
If you need to get your ass in shape and want to lose that belly fat then do yourself a favor and join the Absolutraning Boot Camp (Long Beach) or Absolutraining Kettlebells (Long Beach). Contact Absolutraining@gmail.com