How to Lose Weight--- Absolutraining Boot Camp (Long Beach)

Does this sound familiar???

You go to the gym...
You use the machines and do a few sets of arms and legs...
And lift light weights because you just want to tone...
And you end the work out on the elliptical because you want to burn a few extra calories while protecting your knees.

This is what I see almost every day at the gym and this is why people continue to not see results!

Working out is strongly encouraged. If you only have 30 minutes to train then so be it. The kicker here is to make those 30 minutes count. Make it count???

Here's what I mean. If your goal is to lose weight, get toned, burn calories, and get in shape, then you must do the following...

Train like a warrior! I know this sounds silly but it's the truth. Fat isn't going to come off your body unless you really push it. You don't lose weight simply by scanning your gym card or by having a nice smile.

You need to train hard and have a smart and safe training program. Most people I meet interpret training hard by "lifting more reps" or "changing up their routine." That's not what I mean. There are specific metabolic stimulation components that your body needs to feel in order to turn on the Fat Burning Switch! If not, your results will lag, plateau, hit a wall, get know the feeling?

Here's what you can do...
A. Do research and read literature learning the art of an effective weight loss program;
B. Take what you learn and apply it at the gym; or
C. Join the Absolutraining Boot Camp and let us do all the work and planning for you

The Absolutraining Boot Camp will provide it all for you: educate you how to eat, provide challenging functional movement work outs, constant variations, relative intensity. The Best of the Best!

The Absolutraining Boot Camp is located in Long Beach--- for more info conatct us at


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