It is Freakin EASY To Do Nothing!
Let me give you the "411" on what I mean. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. It's simple right?
If you have gained a few pounds let's say because of sloppy habits, inactivity, laziness, etc... then you know what I mean about doing "Nothing." In my eyes the number one "Weight Gain Factor" is to actually not do anything.
I know, I know it sounds silly and simple. But here me out. About 99.9% of all people that I interview admit that they feel & look out of shape. The key point here is that 99.9% REFUSE to do anything about it!
SO why aren't they doing anything if they feel unhappy and want to change!!!
Let me tell you a little personal story of mine that has to deal with "Not acting" AND "Taking Action."
Back in grade school I had the not-so-pleasure to be haunted by a BULLY. Let's just call this bully Leo. Leo was a cool dude. Well, he was only cool with you if he didn't pick on you. Leo loved to be the center of attention and loved to be feared... One day it was my turn in line for Leo to terrorize. It was sick. He would push me around, call me names, and wrinkle my school papers. I swear I was in a bad dream. He kept continuing to push me around and once he realized that I was a wimp, I was owned!
"Holy Shit" was I screwed. The dude was twice my size and threaten to kick my ASS if I ever told my teacher... Well the day came when I had just about enough.
The next morning I was ready for Leo. I let him pick on me all morning and took that as energy that I would feed off of to kick his ass. When lunch time came around I was ready. Leo starting walking towards me doing his usually name calling and I just walked up to his face and gave him a piece of my mind. Of course that didn't work, it only pissed him off more... As the mighty Leo charged me in full force I responded with a huge PUSH to throw him off balance flying over the cafeteria table and onto his head...
The point is had I not done anything I would have been miserable for my whole junior high school experience. I couldn't let bad get to worse.
So these people that I interviewed, they new they had been making some poor decisions, habits, etc... The worse thing that they could do is let bad get to worse. If you feel that your body is disappearing than take action. Go stand up and PUSH back!
Remember doing nothing is the easiest thing that you can do. But gaining 5-10 pounds can soon lead to 20-30 pounds. Believe me I see and hear it all the time.
If you want it that bad, then it is yours to grab--- Now get up, dust off the old gym clothes, and go get 'em.
Oh yea and as for poor Leo, he apologized for his "terror." We actually became good friends afterwards. Who would have known :)