Cardio and weight loss

Cardio... the solution for weight loss. We are all familiar with it. We hear it from Personal Trainers, gym rats, friends, health magazines. My Exercise Physiology professor said it best "the best way to burn calories is running on a treadmill."
"Cardio" is the answer. If you want to lose weight, just do a ton of cardio.
It's true? There is proof. Everyone knows about it. Just look around you, what is the most common form of exercise to lose weight? CARDIO. My professor assured me. Right...Professor?
Well not entirely. Today's research has a different solution and "cardio for weight loss" is not one of them.
You see the popular belief that "Steady-State" cardio equals weight loss is true, you do burn a lot of calories on the trreadmill. I mean it's simple. The more time you work on the treadmill the more calories you shed. That is why SOOO many people run, walk, jog, participate in aerobic classes, etc. Again any type of "Steady-State" cardio does enhance fat oxidation, that's just a fancy way of saying your body burning Fat off.
So what's this new solution you ask? Oh yeah. What our fellow friends failed to mention, was eventually over a long period of time your body starts to build a tolerance towards burning calories. Meaning you have to push your body twice as hard to burn the same number of calories, and in extreme cases have to train (do cardio) for hours to get the same effect! Ever wonder why your first attempt EVER to lose weight was such a success. I mean your results couldn't have been any more flattering. Your first week at the gym you lost 4 lbs, the second another 4, and then all of a sudden by the end of the month things start going BACKWARDS.
What the hell happened? You see there comes a point where your body starts to lock in to your little weight loss plan and defends itself, building a HUGE resistance for future calorie loss. Think of it as a protective mechanism. It doesn't mean "any harm," it's just in defense mode. So if your goal is to lose weight be careful with cardio. Yes you will burn calories. Yes you will lose weight, but only for a little while. Eventually your work will triple, or even worse you will start burning calories from MUSClE TONE--- you don't want to do that!
The kicker here is to use "Steady-State" cardio as an extra tool for weight loss, not just as your only means of exercise. Incorporate your cardio, pilates, strength training, boot camps, and any additional classes all together for maximal results. Remember "Steady-State" cardio is a great way to burn calories but IS NOT A GREAT WAY TO GET RESULTS!
The other day my mom asked me how much cardio she should do to lose weight. She swore that tons of cardio and drinking lots of water was the way to go. You see mom this is how it works.