Belly Fat Tips: How to show your AB'S!

I was at the gym today and I overheard this man give pointers to a trainee and how to lose his belly fat.
Before I begin let me give you a visual on how these two gentlemen looked like. The trainee taking the advice was about 6'0, husky, and overweight. He was in the ball park of 30 lbs over. The "expert" (just my sarcasm) was about 6'2, rounded and overweight by 40-50 lbs.
The two were talking and the trainee was sitting there watching his mentor on how do a sit-up and crunch variation. I wish I had a cam corder... The trainee was amazed and asked, "how many sets and reps should I do?" The guru thought for a second and suggested to do as much as he can at the gym, at home, and during his down time because "that was how he tightened his stomach!"
The lesson...
Are sit-ups really going to tighten your stomach? No, especially when you are carrying an excess of fat around. The best way to approach this is to first lose the weight. Fat doesn't come off your waist simply by targeting it, you have to stimulate (exercise) your whole body so that it becomes a fat burning machine! A good rule of thumb for doing Ab's is "knowing what your body fat is." Anything below 10 % for men would be ideal and over would be a waste of time. I like to see women train train Ab's when their body fat is arouhnd 15 % .
Oh and about that trainee he thanked him by calling him his "Coach."