Gaining Weight? You may be on the verge of Diabetes--- Absolutraining (Long Beach)
The American Diet- is a low fat, high sugar, and whole wheat diet that is contributing to today's epidemic. Type 2 Diabetes.
If you have excess belly fat then you may be diabetes next victim!
What is type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is self induced! The only way to acquire type 2 diabetes is by having a poor diet or as mentioned are following the not so glorious American diet. Type 2 diabetes is a disease where insulin and your cells have lost their "connection/communication." Think of a bad marriage where the husband and wife have terrible communication, resulting in a broken marriage. That is what diabetes is where the "connection/communication" between insulin and your cells are BROKEN.
The process to type 2 diabetes?
Chronic wheat/sugar consumption. When you eat junk food or in this case eat anything that emits an aggressive release of sugar into your blood stream such as WHEAT/GRAINS, insulin is secreted via the pancreas to help regulate and extract excess sugar. Too much sugar in the blood stream (due to poor food choices) is extremely toxic, so insulin's job is to save your ASS when sugar flows crazy! There is no timetable of when one gets type 2 diabetes but thanks to the American Diet and the availability of wheat thins, pasta, diet coke, and 100 calorie cookies diabetes will always be a threat to YOU unless you change your diet.
Insulin continued...
Insulin goes to 1 of 3 places.
Starches/grains/table sugar breakdown into glucose, aka SUGAR!
If you have excess belly fat then you may be diabetes next victim!
What is type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is self induced! The only way to acquire type 2 diabetes is by having a poor diet or as mentioned are following the not so glorious American diet. Type 2 diabetes is a disease where insulin and your cells have lost their "connection/communication." Think of a bad marriage where the husband and wife have terrible communication, resulting in a broken marriage. That is what diabetes is where the "connection/communication" between insulin and your cells are BROKEN.
The process to type 2 diabetes?
Chronic wheat/sugar consumption. When you eat junk food or in this case eat anything that emits an aggressive release of sugar into your blood stream such as WHEAT/GRAINS, insulin is secreted via the pancreas to help regulate and extract excess sugar. Too much sugar in the blood stream (due to poor food choices) is extremely toxic, so insulin's job is to save your ASS when sugar flows crazy! There is no timetable of when one gets type 2 diabetes but thanks to the American Diet and the availability of wheat thins, pasta, diet coke, and 100 calorie cookies diabetes will always be a threat to YOU unless you change your diet.
Insulin continued...
Insulin goes to 1 of 3 places.
- If needed, insulin will deliver sugar to cells needed for immediate use of energy such as when training.
- Insulin will deliver sugar to your liver
- Or Insulin will deliver sugar to your muscles
In a nut shell Type 2 diabetes exhausts this process! The result is know as insulin resistance.
Starches/grains/table sugar breakdown into glucose, aka SUGAR!
The process of insulin resistance leads to weight gain, again attributed to poor diet. Severe insulin resistance leads to type 2 diabetes. So think of not like this.
Poor diet leads to insulin resistance which leads to belly fat or what my client likes to say leads to "Back Fat." Severe insulin resistance leads to type 2 diabetes.
The more wheat/sugar you eat the more insulin resistance occurs!
Poor diet leads to insulin resistance which leads to belly fat or what my client likes to say leads to "Back Fat." Severe insulin resistance leads to type 2 diabetes.
The more wheat/sugar you eat the more insulin resistance occurs!
How do you know if you are in trouble?
- You eat a whole lotta WHEAT
- You have high blood pressure
- You have low HDL
- You have high triglycerides
- You have visible belly fat, back fat, thigh fat, tricep fat, double chin, etc...
If this is you then fix yourself ASAP! Don't be diabetes next victim. Save your health and lose the wheat/refined sugar. Get your health back!
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