Lose Weight and Get in Shape in 2012--- Absolutraining (Long Beach)

So we are approaching the end of January...

I know a lot of us had set our New Years Resolution goals to workout, lose weight, and get in shape. The question is, how is it going so far???

I hope you haven't abandoned ship?

This post will help you get your ASS back on track, that is if you really meant what you swore you where going to do for 2012!

1)  Stop waiting and start clean the very next day. If you wait, "IT" will never happen. Put your dinners, T.V shows, and girls night out ALL on hold. Outing like those are what keeps people side tracked.

2) Don't rely on anyone. I know some times having a workout buddy is motivating but it is also distracting. You and your buddy can waist time chatting, texting, or even going to the bathroom together. If you rely on "NO ONE" then you have no one to blame but yourself if "IT ISN'T WORKING."

3) Hire a professional. That's right hire someone who knows what the hell they are talking about. If you live in Long Beach, South Bay, or Orange County area then that would be ME :) But on a serious note, you need an expert to lead you the way. Losing weight and building muscle right from the start is an excellent motivator. Believe me, if you start off in the right direction your chances of reaching your goal are much higher!

4) Diet. Again there are so many diets and nutritional advice that it only confuses US! Talk to someone who has current up to date nutritional information (and supported by medical literature and reliable references of course). Again that would be me :) But if you find yourself speaking to someone who says the following:

  1. All you have to do is eat small portions
  2. Watch your calories intake
  3. Eat a whole grain low fat diet
Run away immediately. Advice like those are way too general and are actually incorrect! Look at my Eat Paleo section to get an idea of what you should really EAT!

5) And lastly, make your goals achievable. Don't say anything ridiculous like, "I need to lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks." You have to understand that Health and Fitness is truly a lifestyle and you have to WANT to change.

If you need help with your diet and workouts then Absolutraining can help. If you live in Long Beach, the SouthBay, or Orange County area then don't wait and gives us a call. We are masters of transformation! 

Contact: Absolutraining@gmail.com


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