How to lose fat while getting a hair cut--- Absolutraining (Long Beach)

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it's a bit late, but what the heck it's worth reading :) This story takes place the day before Thanksgiving...

The other day a got my hair cut and was chit chatting with the gal who was cutting my hair. The conversation led to Thanksgiving...

Fast forwarding to the climax of our conversation I asked for her plans. "Well I am kinda of a health freak so I don't have your regular Thanksgiving dinner... I'm vegan." Oh no I said to myself. I mean, I have 100% total respect for vegans and vegetarians so as long as they don't try to convince me that eating meat is fattening and will cause cancer. But that wasn't the case here, or was it?

"I don't like meat because it's fattening. I like to eat healthier so I don't eat it and feel a lot better." She probably feels better because avoiding meat/fat will only mean that she is eating more carbs--- more carbs/sugar in the blood stream means that you feel like a little kid running around Disneyland. I'm pinching myself under the cloth that is over me. I say, "so what does your Thanksgiving feast look like?" "Well," she responds "I will be making mash potatoes, rice, vegan macaroni and cheese, casserole, a batch of vegan cookies, a vegan pie, stuffing, wheat bread rolls and of course my Tofurky!" 

Can you say carb/sugar coma???

WOW! I asked her if she was concerned at all with her soon to be elevated insulin and blood sugar and she kindly looked at me and responded, "insulin, hmmmm what do you mean?" I take it she wasn't familiar with the bodies physiology in that chowing down an abundance of carbs will JACK her insulin through the roof... ultimately leading to fat accumulation.

* Quick note, insulins role is to regulate blood sugar in times like "hers" and shuttle nutrients to cells/tissues, but when insulin is chronically elevated fat accumulation, insulin resistance and host of other metabolic problems can arise.

Health freak, I think not.

If you don't eat meat for ethical/ moral beliefs then that's totally cool. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I have friends who are vegan and vegetarian and we never try to push each other in the opposing direction. But when you are claiming that one is superior over the other and have no reference to your bodies physiology then as the great Robb Wolf says "don't talk to me if you don't know what your talking about" --- Just kidding, I'm not at all mean or that mean :)

After telling my wife my story she asked why I hadn't educate the young gal with more science in food and nutrition and I said, "sweetie and I didn't want here mess up my hair."

Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone :)


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