Traditional Strength Training Workouts Should Be Extinct!

Today's Workouts aren't what they use to be!

In the 60's and 70's the term obese was unheard of. The gym was more for recreation and weekend activities such as volleyball and tennis were more ritual. 

The idea of Fitness was more natural. Why? Well because everyone lived a natural, healthier lifestyle compared to 2009. 

In the beginning the "GYM" and the whole "do 3 sets of 10 repetitions" was all you needed to stay firm and toned. Seriously! There were NO radical training protocols to follow OR high "Metabolic" training to burn tons of calories. Again back then the gym and workouts were SIMPLE, Basic, and seen more as a Hobby than a necessity.

Now let's fast forward into today's reality. When times have changed.

In today's world we are faced with a lot more complexity: Obesity, hypertension, extreme cases of Diabetes, and a huge mix of health problems. Yes, times have changed. AND in today's "GYM," it is No longer seen as Fun but more as to "saving your life."  

*As a Personal Trainer I have never heard anyone mention or whisper the idea that going to the gym is fun. Instead I hear the opposite, "I have to go," "my doctor recommends it," OR "I need to go..." What happened to the fun?


If you look closely you'll notice that in most books, magazines, or fitness material you will find new and improved work out tips and routines constantly. The old "3 sets of 10  reps" has literally disappeared and the new Fast, Explosive, Calorie Burning workouts are taking over. But there are more than a few people not paying attention and are getting stuck using old workout routines.


You see most people are TRULY out of shape. Their BMI may be too high, their overall weight might be a health issue, OR their total lung capacity resembles that of an 85 year old. Sad to say, this is "Today's Norm." Having said that, the Old Traditional Workout just isn't a fit for us and DOESN'T WORK! Let me repeat myself. They ABSOLUTELY do not help our generation of fitness. 

What's the alternative?

Think Radical! Unfortunately that means more work. Our generation needs to do a lot more than "3 sets of 10." We deal with so many medical and physical problems that using this method will have Minimal Effect. This can also be discouraging with anyone wanting to lose weight because they know they have to work Harder. I mean who really wants to do more work anyway? The fact remains, this is how it is. Our bodies have drastically changed for the worse over the past few decades forcing us to evolve our training.

Here's a sample of what a Traditional Workout and Radical Workout looks like:

A1 Chest Press
B1 Squat 
C1 Shoulder Press

* 1 minute Rest Interval between each set
** After the total number of sets are completed, you transition to the next set of exercises


A1 Squat
A2 Squat Behind the Back Press
A3 Good Morning
A5 Bent Over Row

*Do 8-10 reps of each exercise 
** Do as many rounds as you can for 15-18 minutes.
*** NO rest btwn transitions of exercises
**** 2-3 minute Rest Interval after time expires! 

As you can see there is a huge difference between the two. The structure and combination of the two workouts are completely different AND "The Radical" is three times the work. Yep, times have changed and it is important to do the right form of working out. It will make all the difference in your Results. So Look over your workout plan. Does your routine look a lot like the Traditional? If it does, toss it out the window. "Radical Training" includes more work in less time using complex movements.  Give it a shot and juice up your Results.

Things become extinct for a reason... Don't try to dig up old fossilized Traditional Workouts!


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