Are You Really Working Out?
One beautiful morning I was at a local gym minding my own business until SHE walked in...
"She" was a client. A regular member at the gym ready to workout with her Personal Trainer. She walks up to her PT wearing fresh make up and holding a Starbucks in her hand ready to get started for her workout appointment.
So off they went. The PT decides to start her off with an immediate calorie burner, the treadmill... OK, I figured a warm up is good before the start of any workout routine. It keeps the body warm, loose, the the blood pumping. But wait a minute. That wasn't what they were doing. What I was observing was nice graceful walk. Enjoying her warm cup of coffee and having a fabulous conversation with her PT. ???
Next the PT decides to put his client. They transition over to a thigh trimming exercise, the seated hip abductor. For those of who are not familiar, it is the exercise where you are sitting down and butterflying your legs outward... Let me just say that this is a "Bad Call." Why??? Because any Real Personal Trainer would know that "Complex" movements are always done FIRST!
Ex) Squat, Deadlift, Split Squat, etc...
AND it gets worse. The client goes for about 50 reps total! AND with NO weight added on the machine! Not to mentioned the jolly old time they are having together.
"What the heck is going on." By this point my blood in my arteries start to boil. "I need to stop this," I said. But I noticed that the two were such in Bliss that I couldn't just go over there and stomp on their parade...
I wanted to mind my own business. But I just couldn't help but to follow them. I was destined to understand what they were doing.
After they finish trimming down her thighs the PT then places his client on the stair climber. But wait, she still is holding her Starbucks. As the stair climber started moving I noticed that the client was having trouble holding onto her coffee and asked her PT for help. What! And as she was moving barely along she wanted more coffee and asked her PT for a little assistance, a quick sip... "I had enough" I said and marched towards the two ready to give them a piece of my mind. But as I had gotten closer I overheard the two laughing, smiling, having a great time. Who am I to be the Grinch who stole Christmas--- I had to let them be.
My story illustrates a point.
Who hard should you be working out. Well lets take a look AT MY NOT TO DO LIST!
1. Not sweating while working out
2. Not sweating while doing Cardio
3. Not Sweating at all
4. This is For the Ladies--- leaving the gym with fresh make up post workout
5. Not feeling the burn
6. Working out with your cell phone. That includes text messaging
7. Reading a magazine while doing Cardio.
8. Reading the entire "Twilight" series while doing Cardio
9. Staying glued to the TV while working out
10. Having gossip hour with your friends during step class
No matter what your goal is, you are going to have to work hard for it. Remember "Results are earned and not handed out."
Usually the ones who complain the most about not getting RESULTS follow the pattern above. Please do not get caught up--- Now go out there and kick some butt!
P.S This is just one of my many stories.