Diabetes: The foods that eat that can cause a problem
I know this sounds like a broken record... but Diabetes is spreading at an alarming rate. It is plaguing everyone in the U.S and it is NOT slowing down.
Who is responsible for this? We are. Who does it affect? Us. Will it happen to you? Continue reading and find out.
There are two types of diabetes. You have type I which is hereditary and is pretty much permanent AND you have diabetes type II. I will be focusing on Type II in this article.
I know we are all familiar with diabetes. It is on Blast everywhere. Some of our friends may have it, family, coworkers, or maybe YOU ARE on the verge. Type II diabetes is a serious disease that shouldn't be taken lightly. What I mean is people often know that something is wrong with their bodies but choose to look the other way, make excuses, or simply "wing it."
What is Type II Diabetes???
Diabetes is simply your body saying that it has "had enough." When you follow a horrible diet and do NOTHING about it you body starts to defend itself. When you eat your food is broken down into SUGARS (glucose). Then Insulin transports the sugar over to your bodies cells to be absorbed and used for energy. That is our blueprint. That is how it is SUPPOSED to work.
The Problem:
After years of unhealthy habits and dieting your body starts to turn against you creating two possible scenarios. First due to the Extremely high amounts of sugar floating in the blood stream, your pancreas could shut off total insulin secretion, preventing insulin to do its job from delivering fuel to the cells. This is bad news. OR because the bloodstream is overloaded with sugar your cells could build a tolerance towards insulin, making its job of transporting and converting energy a lot harder.
Remember we have COMPLETE control over type II diabetes.
You see diabetes is a chronic condition---chronic meaning you did a "whole lotta" damage. When diabetes sets in, your pancreas becomes exhausted from working hard, pumping out insulin, and trying to keep up with transporting blood sugar to your cells. Everyone has an individualized breaking point, when you reach it that means that your pancreas has given up and "thrown in the towel." At this point you have no choice but to rely on medication to "FORCE" insulin out of your pancreas. Sometimes it can get tricky. Your body will either stop producing insulin OR your cells will start to neglect insulin to pass through---that my friends is your Type II Diabetes.
*Diabetes causes you to have an unstable endocrine system. This is just a fancy way of saying that your metabolism and all that it entails is screwed: food breakdown, food absorption, energy efficiency,and blood vessels are all out of whack
Type II Diabetes is a killer disease. Do not take it for granted. That is why we have annual check ups to monitor our health and prevent disease. Take advantage, ask questions, and make the change. I like to say "Live smart, live strong and live clean!"
Say No to Diabetes