Stress Can Kills! Exercise May Save Your Life

Be careful with can kill you.

What is stress???

There are two types: Good and Bad. For the purposes of this article we will stick to the Bad. "Bad" or Negative stress is what floats around our daily lives. What you do with your career, handling your work load , dealing with school projects/assignments, constant relationship yo-yo's, family quarrels, and environmental conditions (traffic jams, weather, road detours), are all "Common Everyday" external factors that drives us CRAZY.

What you can do...

There are two ways to dealing with stress. You can become physical: like taking your aggression and translating it into violence, slamming doors, throwing dishes across the living room, looking to pick a fight... OR controlling stress emotionally: like feeling "blue," suffering from depression, experiencing non-physical but verbal road rage, becoming verbally abusive to your friends and loved ones... No matter which route you decide to cope with stress, TOO much stress (chronic) can have a detrimental affect to your body.

This is how...

- Too much stress can cause huge anxiety, leaving you scattered and unable to think and go through normal daily routines. This so happens whenever live life by the clock. Running around places and tackling an impossible agenda for years can age your body, mind, and appearance by a couple years. You need some time off. Sometimes a vacation but usually a couple of days off is what you will need to put your worries behind you. Place all your errands and work load on hold and "put yourself in timeout." Occasional mental breaks can often prevent you from "hitting the wall" and going crazy.

Don't be naive and wait until you blow a gasket. The last thing that you want to do is lose your mind and become a psycho on the Fox 11 News.

- Stress is infamous when it comes to elevating your heart rate AND increasing blood pressure. Dealing with too many little things (stressors) as they say is just as dangerous and will ruin your health. Put it to you this way...if you are constantly worrying or "nit-picking" on frequent issues, you can expect to have high blood pressure and damaged goods. Stress directly effects you hormonally and can cause in balances in immunity, energy, sleep quality, strength, irregular menstrual cycles, and poor Cardio Vascular System. If this is you I bet you feel that your body is "outta wack."

* Chronic stress AFFECTS everything!
The last thing that you want to do is take med's to reduce your blood pressure. I mean c'mon, get a grip of your self. Fix it naturally and make the appropriate changes in habits and lifestyle.

- Muscle Aches...This is my Favorite. If you are experiencing random aches and pains...then yep you could be suffering from stress. Suffering??? It doesn't mean that you are in bed cold in shivers, but it is YOUR body telling you that you are burning too much steam.

Have you heard of the "fight or flight response???" Read below.

Ex) Imagine you are lost in a jungle, no food or water, stranded...when all of a sudden a Lion pops out of the bushes and starts chasing you. Running for your life your body IMMEDIATELY changes gears from a weak starving stray into an Olympic Sprinter running faster and stronger than you had ever ran in your entire life!
* How did that happen? Well in extreme conditions your body is put into survival mode and PULLS explosive energy from your whole musculature. STRESS does exactly the same. Chronic stress pulls gallons and gallons of "energy." Leaving your body drained and muscles weakened---thus suffering from aches, tenderness, and pain.
I am no Dr. Phil, but TOO much stress can kill you. I read the research behind it and seen it with my own eyes training clients. If you are doing too much all day every day, take some time off, get a massage, relax, or go to a spa.

Stress will kill you. It will damage your health, leave you exhausted, and will leave you feeling like crap.

I have given you a few pointers on how to prevent stress...but do you know what the number most recommended treatment is??? EXERCISE! WOW what do you know. Exercise doesn't just give you toned muscles and a flattened stomach, it helps you hormonally by keeping you in balance (homeostasis)---that means exercise is a self filtering system for your whole body. So get to it.


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