The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Fat

What kind of Fat are you eating?
It is no mystery that people are totally against Fats. Low Fat diets, minimal red meat, and just eating less Fat are the questions that I ask on a daily basis.
Not all fats are created equal yet usually the take on fats is to avoid it at all costs.
Which type of fats do you eat?
1. Saturated Fat- Saturated Fats are your "No-No's." They are the kind that get you into trouble. The butters, oils, chicken/turkey skins, cream sauces, dressings, * High Fat Diaries, and * High Fat Meats. Be careful especially with cream sauces. It tastes so darn good but at what cost. Adding tons of calories, a bigger waist, and a dirty blood concentration.
* Red meats carry saturated fat but don't panic. The nutritional value that meat has is FAR more important than you have to worry. Just be sure to remove any skins and any visible fatty parts. Along with any additional dressing or sauces. Women in particular are afraid of meat when they shouldn't be. Don't be surprised to lose a few inches by eating more red beef! The key is to have a variety of meats and fish. So go eat some FLESH.
* Dairies also contain saturated fats. BUT do not go on a LOW FAT DIET! Like Meat, dairies have the same nutritional value. Limit your intake. Go with a reduced fat content instead of going Fat-Free. Believe it or not you need fat to lose fat! Remember though too much diary may result in weight gain, uncomfortable gas, and extra calories.
2. Trans Fat- These are your "Cholesterol Cloggers" and your Heart Attacks. Have you ever heard of processed food? Think of frozen foods, cookies, donuts, pizza, a bag of chips, pastries, butter sticks, and Fast Foods. Trans Fat are used in many sweets and food industries because they are inexpensive, easy to use, and gives food a desirable taste and texture. Trans Fats are what you want to ignore completely! Familiarize yourself with learning how to read food labels and look for ZERO Trans Fat.
And yeah and there is NO such thing as Healthy French Fries, I read that once in a health magazine.
Say No to Trans Fat!
3. Monounsaturated Fat- These are your healthy fats. The kind that you should be eating. When eaten in moderation it can fight off bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower your risk of Heart Disease. Avocados, nuts, peanut butter, and olive oils are great sources of Monounsaturated Fat. You can add M.F to your normal meals like avocado with eggs, peanut butter with apples, and cooking with olive oil. It is a lot cleaner and healthier for you and your body.
Eat Good Fat.
One quick warning. Fats digest very quickly so be careful. There are 9 calories per gram of Fat, so they can add up pretty quickly. Eat in moderation :)