"Tis The Season To Be Jolly." Be careful eating too much food

The holidays are the Fattest times of the year!

You see the month of December is loaded with Christmas parties, company parties, holiday gatherings, and cookie parties, glasses of wine, cocktails, endless sweets.
And if there is one thing we can look to is our traditional Christmas dinner.

Here's a few "Christmas Calorie Pointers" to look at to prevent gaining Fat around your waist

1. Egg nog- approxiamtely 350 calories per cup. Are you kidding me. Wait, how many of you are drinking egg nog with booze? Then lets make that 450 calories. Easy on the nog. There is nothing nutrious about it other than a nice "buzz." The Holidays makes it tuff but let's not create "Love Handles" simply for our enjoyment :)

2. Mashed potatoes- Roughly 250 calories per serving. BUT who just eats one serving. Last time I checked mashed potatoes is a 2.5 serving Christmas minimum. Thats over 500 plus calories in just potatoes and even worse it is more than 90 percent carbohydrates--- who wants seconds :) Listen you are not going to die if you don't get your normal tower of mash potatoes. Keep it to a BARE minimum. If you don't say hello to a "Jolly O' Stomach."
* We can't have mashes potatoes without grave- so just add another 120 plus calories to your grand total. 

3. Bread rolls- whether it is white or wheat we are looking at an extra 215-250 calories per roll! AND its Fat Burning Protein content... while it is less than 1 percent of total calories. Not good. You better look for something else to chew on :)
* Oh yeah and who can forget about the butter. Butter is like the devil. Nearly 100 percent of total Fat and tons of Cholesterol. Bon Apetit' 

4. Salad dressing- You know we can't have a Christmas dinner without having salad. It makes us feel better because we know that salad is healthy and high in fiber :) Think Again. One of the most devastating things that you can do is add dressing! Are ready for this... salad dressing ranges anywhere from 150- 950 calories per serving (2 tsp- 1 cup). I know everyone adds dressing to their salads but know this...Dressing = FAT! Keep it to a minimum or simply replace it with lemon juice, home made salsa, spices, or a nice blend of lite fruit.  

Be smart during during the holidays. Its is not uncommon to gain up to 5 pounds of Fat! That's equivalent to 17,5oo extra calories...which equals to TONS of training and cardio for weeks.

Make the Holiday Difference this time of year. Enjoy your Christmas dinner. Eat healthy, have small serving sizes, drink plenty of water, and leave room for a holiday cookie. 

Merry Christmas


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