The New Years Hype. Set your goals right

At last the long awaited first of the year and the New Years Resolution!

Here are some tips to help you get back on track. But remember don't make any New Years Resolution that you cannot keep.

During the past 5 years of helping clients reach their goals I've spotted numerous mistakes that people make. Whether it is to lose weight, build muscle, or drop a few inches here are some common mistakes and pointers that you should look out for during the New Year.

1. Goal Setting- Before you step foot into the gym, you first need to know your purpose. The "Why am I here?" Write down exactly how you feel, what you want to change/lose, and areas that you want to improve on. One of the most COMMON mistakes is avoiding goal setting. Take the time to express you deepest thoughts, emotions, and goals. Do not skim through your goals OR become TOO general. Without any goals you are 100 times more likely to lose personal interest and motivation.

2. Contract- Create a contract with a reasonable Deadline. Take record of: weight, body fat percentage, areas in need of improvement, body measurements, blood pressure, etc. This is your "Reference Point" and is your own personal self-insurance that you will need to keep you going. Whenever you stumble or start to lose hope you can fall back onto your records for inspiration, satisfaction, and hope to continue your drive forward. One of the worst things you can do is not having a set of records to track your progress. Contracts hold Value and you are more likely to get it done!

3. Giving up Cookies- This is another crucial pitfall that trainees encounter while trying to accomplish their fitness goals. Remember that saying "You can't eat your cake and have it to." Well that's right. You cannot expect to reach your goals without making sacrifices in your lifestyle; limiting alcohol, cutting back on sweets and chocolate, and avoiding Fatty foods. You have to sacrifice any old habits in order to reach your goals. I had a client one time who should up to train holding a ice cold Chocolate Fatty Frappuccino. "C'mon, Seriously?"

4. The 90% Rule- It is no mystery that striving for perfection is impossible. THERE is no way you can eat down to the exact healthy calorie, train at a 100 % intensity, do endless Fat Burning cardio, take minerals/vitamins/fish oil, and still manage not to cheat. That is why the 90% Rule gives you that balance and leverage necessary to maintain sanity. Give it your best, train hard, eat healthy 90% of the time and have one day to ease up and enjoy a Martini and a Olive. Sometimes striving for perfection results in a mental breakdown and a ruined New Years Resolution. So don't try it.

5. Your Secret Weapon-
COMPETITION. I found this to hold the most value in any type of training method out there. Everyone hates to LOSE and everyone wants to WIN. It's simple and perfect. Create a FRIENDLY game, contest, or time line and include all your friends, family, and loved ones. You can set your own rules and regulations in making this Fitness Competition fun and exciting. Hold a second, third, and first place winner and strive for money, dinner at your favorite restaurant, or just plain bragging rights. Unleash the competitive side of you.

Happy New Years


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