Struggling with weight loss? Change your lifestyle

Curse the reasons why we have to gain weight. Why is it so difficult to lose it??? And why do you have to lose weight anyways?
Why do people lose weight? For medical reasons, sport, pleasure, or simply to look good and FEEL BETTER. Many people feel "weight gain" is a curse. Is it a curse? Of course not. Look around you. There are millions around us struggling to lose weight and I can tell you why!
Weight Loss...
Strength training plays a key role in weight loss. With out it, it is impossible to reach your dream body. Dieting is self explanatory. We can all agree that eating Twinkies isn't the greatest idea. Cardio is also a necessity. I mean how else are we going to burn the extra calories... But there is something FAR more important. Without this going to the gym, dieting, and taking aerobic classes is worthless.
Can you guess what it is???
How about LIFESTYLE!
How about staying active, endure in a little recreational activity, doing more than just watching what you eat, and instead pledge to experiencing life differently. Let me give you an example. Go to the gym because you want to. To prevent injury, disease, and lose unwanted weight. Create a healthy diet. Something that doesn't become treacherous. Do it for all the right reasons. To live healthy only works when you eat healthy. Go for an occasional jog. Explore the beach, visit parks that have a lot offer than just grass and a bench. Go for a jog because it is fun and not because you have to burn 900 more calories for the week. AND stay active. Be productive on your down time. Stay on your feet. Go for a walk, play tennis, or shoot some hoops.
Make these changes and I guarantee that your workout intensity, dieting tactics, and cardio expenditure will be stronger than ever. Creating a new surge of energy will not only rejuvenate your body but also mold you into something unique---Your dream body. Sometimes going to the gym because you know you have to becomes boring. Sometimes going on a diet because everyone else is becomes "pointless."
I bet you haven't tried this. I bet you haven't really ever thought about this. Give it try and I guarantee you will notice the difference.